Schools, colleges and universities consume huge amounts of electrical energy at horrendous and rising costs created mostly by the onset of war in the Ukraiine.
The Installation of solar panels can cut electricity bills to near zero with very short payback periods. School and college buildings are ideal for solar panels as are bicycle sheds, covered walkways, car parks and open ground - much easier than many industrial sites.
Solar Power for Education"
Hybrid solar systems comprise solar panels with an inverter that converts the DC current from the panels to normal AC electricity for daytime use and to charge high efficiency Lithium batteries that store energy for the hours of darkness.
A feature of Hybrid systems is that they enable any shortages of power to automatically switch to the normal grid supply in a case of emergency so that there is no loss of electric power.
Energy conservation and emission reduction, environmental protection and an energy-saving campus improve students understanding of this new energy era.
Other novel areas like bicycle sheds and covered walkways are ripe for siting solar panels if extra unshaded roof space is scarce.
Car parks are another low cost area where solar panels provide protection from weather as well as contributing to energy sources.
Our Solar systmems
●Stackable and wall mounted design to save space for batteries and converters
●Ideal for school and office solar systems
●Higher energy density with long life panels and equipment
●≥6000cycles reliable performance
●Battery management system(BMS)
●Lithium batteries with 95% Depth of Discharge have more usable capcacity
A total package for small school buildingss or a large campus sites designed for your location and needs. Suitable for tiled, steel or flat concrete roofing or walkways using latest technology, installed and setup to match your requirements with extended finance available so that you have instant cash reductions from day one of the installation.
The Energy Efficiency Financing for schools (EEF) scheme is an operating solution to allow your school to invest in energy technology such as solar and LED lighting without any upfront costs and still benefit from both bill savings and the Government's feed-in tariff payments.