Easy to use digital signage software for Windows computers. Turn a PC into a digital notice board or an advertising screen.
Repeat Signage digital signage software helps you get your message across and promote your products or service. It is easy to use and you can create a presentation and have it playing in minutes. You just need a Windows based PC, a large display screen and Repeat Signage. Features include touch screen support, remote updating and scheduling of presentations, and it supports Windows 10/8/8.1, 7, Vista and XP.
Why Repeat Signage? The Repeat Software team will give you an outstanding level of support. We give you free training videos, sample presentations and we have satisfied customers across the globe.
Our products:
Repeat Signage has free access to RepeatServer.com for RSS feed creation, hosting and remote updating of content
This free and secure service allows you to create a news feed for your organisation and the news can then be scrolled along the bottom of your digital signage screens. Your news can be remotely updated from anywhere in the world. Change the news online and it changes on your screens in seconds. RepeatServer.com also facilitates the remote updating of Repeat Signage including text and pictures displayed on your screens.
Repeat Signage V4 industry specific and regional versions:
Corporate edition which is same as Standard plus the ability to collect and display content from a database.
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