Edis Audio Visual keeps you abreast of news, views, comments and changes

Meet at Autumn Audio Visual Exhibitions

We are looking forward to meeting visitors and exhibitors at the October/November round of audio visual exhibitions in Hong Kong (13th - 16th October) and InfoComm in Beijing, China (9th to 11th November) . Please leave a message and we can try to meet up.

LCD Plasma Lifts

This feature rich electric flatscreen lift has tilt, rotate and swivel controls for LCD and plasma displays. Available in wall, floor, trolley or ceiling versions

Free Articles - Join our Article mailing list

enews Articles with tips on importing,  selling, marketing, audio visual technical issues and updates. Download the latest article here and add your name for free issues in the future ... a painless  way of keeping one step ahead!

Fast-install Modular Low Cost Classroom Cable Kit


Cables snap into the faceplate in a second, no screws, no cables to terminate and no threading through the back box (sliding plate). Low cost and very quick so that you complete more installs at lower cost with the EdisConnect cable kit.

Download datasheet for larger view and details and/or Request a quotation

Two Touch Independent Whiteboarding Software from EdisAV

Two Touch Workbook whiteboarding software is now available from EdisAV. This independent feature rich software for the classroom can be used with any Interactive Whiteboard or Touch Screen display, With a site licence Teachers are free to use Workbook in any classroom and maintain and share their content. A new version of Workbook (version 1.6) currently in beta evalauation, will provide some really exciting features, Remote users (students) will be able  to send text, votes etc right onto the Workbook canvas on the teacher's computer using any browser. This means that they can use a PC, i-Phones, i-Pads, laptops, android devices and what have you.... to communicate silently and instantly with teacher questions.

Edis products in more than 70,000 UK Classrooms

You can be assured of the suitability, design and quality of Edis products which now exceed more than 70,000 installs in classrooms in the UK alone. Be sure that you buy the real thing - all our audio products have the Edis product code on the back with the CE mark as Edis products are safety tested as well as performance tested with ongoing inspection and improvements by our UK qualified electronics engineers. Even in these desparate times I guess there is no need to remind you of the dangers of installing unproven pirated copies of our designs!

Classroom amplifiers


You can take your choice - In-wall amplifier, standalone amplifier, active speakers - all designed for the classroom. Request a quote

Summer Promotion

We are actively promoting these products to Primary and Secondary schools in the UK this summer, you can take advantage and secure extra sales over and above your normal installation contracts by offering these products.

EA1133  Sound Reinforcement - IR microphone system that connects to exising (or new) audio amplifiers that enhances learning. See details and download datasheet also an article about the learning advantages and results.

©2022 Edis AV limited.