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HDTV - How to install for ideal viewing position ?


Best viewing height for flat screen TV

How high should your wall mounted TV be? The ideal viewing height when seated is about 42" for most people sitting on comfortable furniture. The ideal viewing height of a TV screen is between one third and half way up the the viewable screen. As an example a 52" flat screen TV has a screen height of about 26", one third of this height is 9" approx and one half is 13". Therefore the highest the bottom of the viewable area of your TV should be is 33" (ie 42"-9"=33") and the lowest is 29" (ie 42"-13"=29”). This might seem low from an interior designer's perspective but a little high for ultimate viewing comfort without a “cricked” neck.

The simple answer is to fix the centre of the TV screen at about 42” or about 1 metre (give or take an inch or two) from the floor, irrespective of the screen size.

Teacher's desk - a classroom surprise in China


I've visited a few schools in China, though I don't suggest that all schools are like these in Guangzhou, but I was very impressed. Classrooms had projectors, visualisers,  some webcams for science, teacher's desks with full audio visual controls including microphone and amplifier sysytems. There were often controls of the PCs built into teacher's desks in IT suites.

Labs, music rooms, libraries and language areas were all very well equipped with specialist integrated furniture and fittings. So some good ideas for us for the future!

Voice reinforcement - in the classroom

Voice reinforcement is the use of microphones by teachers to enhance learning in the classroom. The emerging technology is Infrared microphones since VHF ones can cause interference problems between themselves and with other equipment. The problem is in finding microphones that are unobtrusive but still can be used all day long. Also since many schools already have amplifiers for their whiteboard systems the lowest cost option is a microphone and receiver that connects into that system (or used with an additional amplifier)


We've worked on such a solution and very pleased with the results. We think this will be the up and coming technology for schools in the UK and Europe (it's already taken off in the USA)


Edis Website - Disaster recovery completed

Welcome to the return of the Edis Blog! Our site "disappeared" when our ISP moved locations and "lost" our server during the move ..... and then we found problems with our back-ups.... so the rebuild has been really slow. Could be a warning for others to ensure that back-ups or offline versions are really  in a fit state to re-load or repair your site after a catastrophic failure.

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